IT Services – T&Cs (Consumers)


These are the Terms and Conditions for the services provided by WebClients the “Organisation /We /Us” to you, the “Client”. By ordering any service from the Organisation you agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions.


  • The services provided by the Organisation can be ordered in the following ways:
  • Via the contact form on the Organisation website located at
  • Telephoning our sales department on the number listed at the bottom of these Terms and Conditions.
  • Emailing our sales department using the email address at the bottom of these Terms and Conditions.
  • The person ordering any service must be a minimum of 18 years of age.
  • Upon acceptance and confirmation of an order you will receive a booking reference and where possible a booked service slot (where the service is to be provided on-site).


  • Payment may be made by a valid and current credit or debit card, bank transfer, we do not accept cheques.
  • Payment by credit or debit card can be made via our website when viewing the invoice on My WebClients.
  • For security reasons we do not accept credit or debit card details via email and so you should not send your card details via email.
  • Where goods are purchased from the Organisation, title to such goods only pass to the Client once a complete and valid payment is made by the Client and received by the Organisation for those goods must within 14 days following such termination deliver to the Customer the Website.


The Organisation provides the following services:

  • Desktop and laptop computer hardware repairs, parts replacement and upgrades for Windows and Apple Mac operating systems.
  • The installation and configuration of new desktop or laptop computers running Windows or Apple Mac operating systems. Whether the computers are provided directly by us or by a third-party supplier.
  • The installation, configuration or upgrading of operating systems, software and third-party software for desktop and laptop computers running Windows or Apple Mac operating systems. Whether the software is provided directly by us or by a third-party supplier.
  • The creation, installation, configuration or upgrading of wired or wireless hardware, software and cabling for computer networks. Whether provided directly by us or by a third-party supplier.
  • The installation, configuration or upgrading of hardware and software security products, including anti-virus software, hardware & software firewalls, virtual private networks (VPNs) and other anti-intrusion and physical security equipment. Whether provided directly by us or by a third-party supplier.
  • The installation, configuration or upgrading of hardware and software for virtualisation. Whether provided directly by us or by a third-party supplier.
  • Additional services not listed above can be quoted for on request.


  • The services detailed above can be provided on-site or off-site, depending upon the nature of the service required, availability of parts and products and the ease of configuring any product or service either on-site or off-site.
  • At the time of booking you will be informed as to which elements of any service will be provided on-site or off-site.


  • Where possible we may use remote access tools to access Client equipment.
  • We shall make an assessment as to whether remote access is suitable and possible in each case.


The following are required for all on-site visits and repairs:

  • Easy access to the equipment to be serviced and the surrounding area.
  • Light and mains power, and where necessary a fully functioning telephone line, with or without internet access, (as applicable).
  • A person on-site with knowledge of the issue or issues affecting the equipment.
  • A person on-site with administrator level access privileges to the relevant equipment, (where required).
  • A person who is 18 years of age or over.
  • Valid, original and licensed versions of any software required, (unless being supplied by us.) Please note that we will not use, install or configure any unlicensed, copied or counterfeit software.


  • It is the sole responsibility of the Client to ensure that all data on any equipment is backed up and appropriately stored before any work commences.
  • We will not be liable for any data loss occurring on any equipment or data loss caused by the Client’s failure to put in place or correctly operate appropriate data backup and storage procedures.


  • A minimum of 24 hours’ notice will be required in order to cancel or change an appointment.
  • Where less than 24 hours’ notice of cancellation is provided by the Client, we reserve the right to withhold up to 10% of any fees already paid by the Client in the form of a cancellation fee.


  • (10.1) In accordance with the Consumer Contracts (Information, Cancellation and Additional Charges) Regulations 2013 (and any other relevant legislation). Where this Agreement is concluded at the Customer’s home or office (either as a result of a solicited or unsolicited visit by the Supplier) the Customer has an initial minimum statutory 14 days “cooling off” period. This allows the Customer 14 days in which to change their mind and cancel the Order.
  • (10.2) Subject to paragraph 10.1 above the “cooling off “period for the purposes of this Agreement is 14 days.
  • Furthermore, for the purposes of this Agreement the Customer may cancel the Order within the “cooling off” period where the Agreement is concluded at a place other than the Customer’s home or office, such as the Supplier’s office.
  • The “cooling off” period runs from receipt of this Agreement by the Customer.
  • Notice of cancellation by the Customer must be given to the Supplier in writing. Please see the suggested form of cancellation at the end of this Agreement.
  • The Supplier reserves the right to retain monies or seek payment for all reasonable costs incurred in respect of the Order where the Customer has specifically requested in writing that goods or services be supplied within the initial “cooling off” period.
  • The Supplier will not supply any goods or services during the initial cooling off period unless a specific written request is received from the Customer to do so.
  • If the Customer seeks to cancel the Order outside the cooling off period stated in paragraph 10.2 above the Supplier reserves the right to retain any monies paid by the Customer to cover all reasonable expenses incurred by the Supplier.
  • If such retained monies do not cover the reasonable expenses incurred by the Supplier the Supplier reserves the right to seek additional payment from the Customer to cover these reasonable expenses.


  • Any missed appointments will need to be re-booked by the Client.
  • On re-booking we will attempt to provide a convenient replacement slot; however, we cannot guarantee that we will be able to provide a suitable slot.


  • All hardware and equipment supplied and fitted by us is guaranteed for a minimum of 12 months (or more depending upon the manufacturer’s own warranty).
  • All other work carried out by us is guaranteed for a period of 6 months.
  • Any warranty will be declared void where any failures or errors are caused by the subsequent incorrect use or maintenance of any item installed or configured by us. This includes the incorrect use of anti-virus, security or malware software or hardware provided and/or installed by us, or where such software or hardware is not kept up to date.


  • We will not be responsible for defective products and/or services where caused by the negligence or poor workmanship of third-party contractors not employed by us.
  • Where we have completed the Order and the Client is unhappy with the results the Client shall inform us and allow the Organisation up to 30 working days to further correct and complete the Order.
  • Where we are still unable to satisfactorily complete the Order the Customer shall be entitled to a partial refund or reduction as fair compensation for the incomplete Order.
  • Where we are late completing the Order and it can be shown that this directly due to the actions (or inactions) of the Organisation the Customer shall be entitled to a partial refund or reduction to fairly compensate for the delay.


  • Where the parties to this Agreement are in dispute for a period of more than 30 days and cannot resolve the issue through negotiation, either party may refer the dispute to Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) as set out below.
  • The parties agree that the dispute shall first be referred to CEDR (Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution), which offers specialist IT-related mediation services. Both parties will cooperate in good faith with the appointed mediator in an attempt to resolve the dispute.
  • If the mediation does not result in a resolution within 60 days (or such other time period as agreed in writing), either party may then refer the dispute to arbitration or another form of ADR, such as Tech Dispute Resolution Service (TDRS), or take further legal action if necessary.
  • The party initiating the ADR process shall inform the other party in writing at the same time as referring the dispute.
  • Both parties will continue to fulfil their obligations under this Agreement while the ADR process is ongoing, unless otherwise agreed in writing.
  • Any decisions reached through ADR, including the allocation of costs, are not binding unless agreed by both parties in writing. If the matter is referred to arbitration, the decision of the arbitrator will be binding unless overruled in further arbitration or a court of law.


  • All software supplied and installed by us will be original and will be appropriately licensed. This will include an appropriate number of copies or seats when used by more than one user.
  • We will not install, attempt to configure or update any software, which appears to us to be unlicensed, improperly licensed, copied, or counterfeit.


  • We shall be not be liable to you as the Client in contract, tort, or otherwise (including negligence), pre-contract or other representations (other than fraudulent or negligent misrepresentations) or otherwise for any business losses or anticipated savings or for any indirect or consequential or loss whatsoever.
  • Nothing in this Agreement shall exclude or limit liability for death or personal injury resulting from our negligence or the negligence of servants, or agents used by us.


  • Failure by the Organisation to enforce any accrued rights under this Agreement is not to be taken as or deemed to be a waiver of those rights unless acknowledged by the Organisation in writing.
  • The paragraphs, sub-paragraphs and clauses of this Agreement shall be read and construed independently of each other. Should any part of this Agreement or paragraphs, sub-paragraphs or clauses be found invalid it shall not affect the remaining paragraphs, sub-paragraphs and clauses.
  • The Organisation reserves the right to change these Terms and Conditions at any time. However, such changes shall only apply to new Clients, and not to existing Clients who have already contracted with the Organisation.
  • This Agreement sets out the entire agreement and understanding between the Organisation and the Client and is in substitution of any previous written or oral agreements between the Organisation and the Client.


These Terms & Conditions are specifically written in accordance with the Consumer Rights Act 2015. Should these Terms & Conditions conflict with the Act, the Consumer Rights Act 2015 shall prevail and apply.


Nothing in these Terms and Conditions shall affect the Customer’s statutory rights.


These Terms and Conditions shall be construed in accordance with the laws of England and shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.


Our contact details are as follows:

Address: WebClients, Hampden Square, Upper Heyford, Bicester, OX25 5AH


Telephone: (+44) 7572 271169