Friends of Winckley Square

Friends of Winckley Square approached WebClients seeking a new hosting provider when their previous service provider shifted focus, dissolving their web hosting service completely. We were delighted, as they became our first-ever web hosting customer, which in turn inspired us to ensure that they had fast, reliable, and secure web servers. Our commitment to providing exceptional value resulted in a remarkable 83% cost reduction compared to their previous provider, enabling Friends of Winckley Square to redirect funds toward their charitable endeavors.

At WebClients, we prioritise not just affordability but also performance. Our hosting services empower organisations like Friends of Winckley Square to maintain a cutting-edge web presence that supports their mission. We discussed with them to understand their usage and purpose of their web presence to ensure they were on the optimal hosting package, preventing unnecessary expenses that had burdened them before. This strategic approach not only saved costs but also enhanced their website’s speed, security, and overall user experience. This also meant that we could charge them a fair rate; again, they’re a charity that we want to support.

Furthermore, our ongoing support and proactive monitoring guarantee uninterrupted service, giving Friends of Winckley Square the peace of mind to focus on their community initiatives. We take pride in being a trusted partner for non-profits, helping them thrive in the digital landscape while making a positive impact in their local communities.